Friday, March 14, 2008

#7 Pirogies

Is Nait Rey Polish? Really, who cares!?! One doesn't have to be a -ski to enjoy this delicious treat of potatoes and dough. After a long day of relaxing on the couch Nait is generally able to muster up enough energy to walk to the kitchen and boil up some of these Eastern European wonders.

Nate has recently discovered that pirogies not only come in potato flavours but can have items such as, but not limited to, cheese, sauerkraut, mushrooms, onions or a wide variety of meats packed into them. If you knew this before Nait, it is advised that you do not let him know about that. He will become embarrassed and you may loose him as a friend.

1 comment:

D. Thomas Magee said...

yeah, and nobody likes to 'loose' a friend.