Saturday, March 15, 2008

#11 Urban Planning.

There once was a time when Nait relied on his car to get every where. When you live in a spread out urban area like the Buffalo Niagara region, Nait reasoned, that one just needed an automobile to survive. Upon Nait's departure of Buffalo to the grand city of Portland, Oregon he saw that in a well planned city with public transportation and lanes for bicycles that an automobile is completely unnecessary.

Since that time Nait has been quoted as saying such things as "Why would you put a highway in the middle of your parks system?" and "A four lane highway along the waterfront? Brilliant!" Nait was thinking about going to grad school for urban planning just so when he is traveling he can use technical terms like "sustainable development" and "defensible space theory" when describing how much better Portland is than whatever city he is visiting at the time.

To get Nait's attention at a bar it is suggested that you bring up urban decay in rust belt cities. Nait might just buy you a Schlitz.

1 comment:

naitrey said...

Two funny things about this post:

1. Todd, you were amongst the inspirations for not having a car in Buffalo.

2. Since moving back to Portland, I've really begun considering buying a car again. Maybe even that van that will become my home soon enough.