Monday, March 17, 2008

# 13 Smoking Cigarettes When Drunk.

When Nait's friends began smoking, he did not. It was rather commendable. While other teen's were taken in by the allure or nicotine and looking cool, Nait was always above it. That is until about two years ago. About that time Nait started getting drunk enough to have an occasional cigarette.

Sure, maybe he had kicked a few too many back before then but it was not until that time that he began considering entering "flavor country". During his first tour of Portland there were even accusations of him buying a pack of cigarettes from a local gas station. These reports are yet to be confirmed.

So if you see Nait standing aimlessly standing outside of a bar in the Pacific Northwest it may prove worthwhile to say "Hey brother, need a cigarette?" It is unknown how he will respond but it is a safe bet to assume that he would not hit you.

*Nait Rey is totally a pacifist

1 comment:

naitrey said...

Actually, you can still smoke inside bars in Portland. Hard to believe such backwards thinking occurs somewhere other than Buffalo I know, but true.