Sunday, March 23, 2008

#21 Salt.

Neither Chicken Nuggets nor steak or tator tots or shake and bake, none of these is complete to Nait without a huge dose of salt. Sometimes, in an effort to sound cool Nait will refer to salt by its chemical name, NaCl, rather than its common name, salt.

Nait has been known to add salt not just to every day items but sometimes to strange things as well. In fact, it is rumored that sometimes, after cuddling, that Nait will add a pinch of salt to a young ladies lips before he kisses them.

One of the biggest reasons Nait chose Buffalo for his mission to try and survive on as little money as possible without working was so that during the winter, when hungry, he can just go to the streets and grab some salt to add to his fish sticks.

So if you ever come across Nait looking confused in a restaurant let him know that you have plenty of extra NaCl at your table. He will appreciate your usage of slang and will join you at your table.

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